This book seeks to answer a number of questions concerning the place of work in the life of the Christian. Does our work have any ultimate value from the perspective of eternity? Is ordinary work the primary way that people can participate in God’s mission to make all things new? Does secular employment in the busy world of today have connection with and connect with spiritual realities? What is the heavenly good of earthly work? These are challenging questions. The author seeks to explore answers to these questions by a spiritual and theological journey through scripture. It is a reasoned approach that he takes, you could not call it a book that flashes with revelation but rather moves through with scriptural logic to arrive at certain illuminating conclusions. It makes vital contribution to this most important subject. For too long the thinking of the church has been hierarchical in the matter of vocation. By this we mean that there have been the ‘elite’ who are ‘full-time’ for the Lord and the rest who are part time spending the bulk of their labor at the necessary grindstone of sometimes boring labor in the secular world. The arguments of this book give another view, it is persuasive and is a helpful contribution to the search for a fresh paradigm of Christian mission. Here is a healthy theology of work and vocation. People in the churches simply do not know why they work and what importance their daily work has for eternity. Few pastors themselves are clear thinking on this subject and so do not assist the saints to the obtaining a sense of meaning and direction in life. There are 146 pages of clear, readable material here and it is written so as to be accessible to all, rather than simply to the pastors and leaders of churches. A companion book is also available by this author entitled “A Theology of Work’ which is more geared towards leadership and pastors. There is an ennobling of the place of work as an essential part of the vocation of man on the earth, that it is with purpose and truly of heavenly worth. The author has done a good job in concentrating on this subject and the book could be used as a starting point for group studies on this most important of issues for Christians in our day.