Author-Adrio Konig
Publisher-New Creation Publications Inc
PO Box 403, Blackwood. South Australia. 5051
Both Marshall, Morgan and Scott in UK and Eerdmans in USA have published editions of this book. The author is a South African Theologian. I first came across it in one of those editions and read it with great profit and have recently gone through it again with similar encouragements to my heart. As the author and title suggest, the book is very much a theology of the ‘last times’. However, these last times are linked inextricably with the Person of the Lord Jesus Who is called ‘The Last’. So, the doctrine expounded is that when He Who is ‘the Last’ came, and at that time the ‘last days’ began and have continued until now. He came FOR us in His first coming, which was His incarnation, He comes IN us by the Holy Spirit in His ‘second’ coming and finally He comes WITH us at the end of time in His appearing in glory. This is the framework presented in this work concerning the theology of the end times and is a welcome emphasis in these days when various views of ‘the end times” are enthusiastically presented in popular Christian books. Frequently these views are far fetched and miss the Person of Christ entirely, preferring to major on ‘signs of the times’ thus focusing eyes away from Him. This book demands concentrated attention. Probably it is unique in its presentation of eschatology. How enlightening and edifying it is to realize that “Christ is Eschatology’. His work for us was done in His life, death and resurrection. Dealing with both His Father’s enemies and those of the whole creation. He did this work whilst we were enemies, without any help from man, a holy, complete work wrought by Him in His manhood in fellowship with His Father. Then, the last days continue in a new phase as He comes by the Spirit to work IN us all those things that He has done FOR us and this includes delivering us from the plague of sin and its power that we might share the fruits of His life and participate with Him in His present ministry. However, we also look toward the day of His appearing, when He who is the last shall come to finish all things, to purge the whole creation of the presence of sin and enemies and establish the kingdom of God, delivering all up unto God and His Father. We have here a wonderfully full picture of God’s purpose and plan in His Son and for all that has been made. The whole of history is His history, He is and fulfils the covenant uniting in His Person both God and Man. He brought about complete harmony between His Father and humanity,and because man is made head of the creation it follows that the whole of creation is made new and brought into that harmony and perfection. This book is highly recommended for those who are not afraid of reading that which will stretch their minds and hearts and it will lead to spiritual enlargment.