Author G.K.BEALE
Publisher EERDMANS
ISBN 978-0-85364-851-2
This commentary comprising over eleven hundred pages can best be described as ‘magisterial.’ It is one of the New International Greek Testament series of commentaries and that will immediately alert the reader to the fact that here we meet a commentary for those who desire to delve deep into the Apocalypse. For those desiring to interpret the Revelation book for the benefit of the church in our day this is a great commentary to go back to again and again. Beale is not stuck in a futurological viewpoint but shows how utterly relevant this book was to the original churches to which it was sent and is to the contemporary church of today. The church is to live to the glory of God throughout the centuries; it must not succumb to the subtle pressures of the ‘empires’ in the midst of which it lives, but bear the testimony of Jesus Christ no matter what the cost. To Beale the central themes are salvation, persecution and judgment. He shows how substantially the imagery of this last book of the New Testament is built upon both the events that took place in the history of Israel and the prophetic ministry, dreams and visions to be found, especially in the Book of Daniel. This is a verse-by-verse commentary, it is detailed, perhaps one of the most detailed available today. The usual definition of commentaries that take the view this author takes is known as the idealist interpretation, others might call it the A Millennial view. This should not be used as an excuse to avoid a work so full of help in rightly dividing the word of truth. Insights from the Jewish background, the Old Testament scriptures and beliefs espoused in the first century pagan religions as well as the historical backdrop of the mighty Roman Empire are all used to elucidate the visions of the Book of the Revelation. This is a must commentary for pastors and leaders to have on their shelves and to return to from time to time as they attempt to exposit a section of the Revelation in their preaching ministry.