Author-Solomon Bulan and Lillian Bulan-Dorai
Publisher- Home Matters Network.
ISBN- 983-42027-0-9
This book should be read in conjunction with two written in past years by Bill and Shirley Lees. Their titles are Drunk before Dawn(1979) and Is it Sacrifice?(1987) Both of these books were published by OMF and also by IVP. They are available second hand and are well worth obtaining by all those interested in the way God moves into communities and builds His church. is a good source of second hand books. The Bario Revival is the story of the outpourings of God’s Spirit which took place in 1973 in a remote part of East Malaysia among an indigenous tribal group called the Kelabits. Now, more than thirty years on the effects of that move of God’s Spirit are seen in many ways. The whole tribal group had converted to Christ en masse some decades before and the Spirit of God had spread to other ethnic groups in that state, communities were transformed as many people were changed by the power of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. A further book, no longer in print and hard to obtain is Uncharted Waters by Hudson Southwell. He served the Lord in Borneo from about 1928 and his book is a record of sixty years of involvement among these various ethnic groups and the way God came amongst them. The Christians in this area view their church history of about eighty years in the light of various movements of God’s Spirit that have taken place during that time. There have been periods of declension and these followed by times of intercession which the Lord has answered in definite ways with fresh outpourings of His Spirit. There is much to learn from the history of God’s church in this remote area of the world. The stories set forth in these books challenge the heart and soul to seek God afresh. Here are authentic marks of God at work, His sovereign activity in bringing repentance and faith and transformation. There are confusions that can occur, they are present and interfere with His work, excesses needing to be corrected and the costliness of following the Lord through such searching times. These books will lead you into an area of the world where the Lord is at work in building His church.