This is an excellent book. All engaged in the Christian ministry should get a copy. It is a republication of a book called Pastors and Teachers written in the 1980’s by Derek Prime and now includes an excellent contribution by Alistair Begg. Under-girding its writing are several basic convictions in the hearts of the authors. Firstly, Christ’s special gift to His church is the gift of pastors and teachers. Secondly, that the pastor and teacher is an elder among other elders in the local church. Third the work of the elders, or by whatever name they are described needs to be encouraged and developed. Fourth, within the plurality of elders there must be a leader among leaders and finally that both the teacher himself and the church fellowship of which he is a part must be clear as to his true function and place in the body of Christ. This book honors the place of the word of God as the determining basis of these callings. It turns away from the new models of leadership and pastor-hood so popular especially in charismatic circles and re establishes the biblical pattern so eroded in many quarters by the power of the models of leadership pressing in from the business methodologies which have been baptized into many of the Christian churches. These ideas are nothing less the worldliness and militate against the true life of the church. The book contains chapters on the call and the calling of pastors and their qualities of life, their goals and priorities along with much practical counsel as to how to conduct their ministry and help lead the church forward. It is refreshing to read something so biblically based and it thereby demolishes the current models of leadership promoted among many as it moves through its chapters on the solid biblical line.. Only when the word of God has free course and is honored can the church flourish and grow. The advent of models of leadership and ministry other than that set forth in the scripture is leading to churches that are full of emaciated sheep who wander in a wilderness of confusion as regards to the faith once delivered to the saints. This is sadly true in many parts of the world. The ministry of the word of God in teaching and the pastoral care conducted by under-shepherds whom the Lord has set in His churches will bring about stability, discipline and prosperity and growth of God’s people. Some will regard this book as ‘old fashioned’ seeking rather for the success formula’s on offer by other writers, however, those who are prepared to submit to the Lord and His ways as revealed in His scriptures will be encouraged and reaffirmed as to their true calling and service. Others of the flock taking time to read will come away with a desire to stand by their elders and leaders and assist them to concentrate on the main centralities of their calling.
Category: Church Leadership and Pastoralia
Tags: church, leadership, true