ISBN 978-0-89107-379-6
Richard Wurmbrand will not be well known to many under thirties. He was imprisoned for His faith by the Communist regime in Roumania for fourteen years. On release and when communist power broke down in the late eighties and nineties he was very active in ministry in many parts of the world and wrote a number of books. This particular one became something he felt he must write as the results of research built up over a number of years. He was examining the life of Karl Marx, not as an obsession but rather to understand the roots of communist ideas and discovered such disturbing facts that had not really seen the light of day in the biographical studies of the so called found of communism. Although published first in 1992 this study, which also includes some material on Engels, is still in print and even available on Kindle. The data gathered and footnoted paint a terrible picture of this man who’s desire was destruction of human beings and not the construction of a socialist, communist utopia. It seems that Marx came from a God fearing family and turned away from God in no uncertain way and put his life in league with Satan and devil worshippers which led to his greatly gifted powers being used to undermine all that God and Christianity stood for. Wurmbrand examines the poetry, plays and the other writings that are available out of the one hundred or so volumes still under lock and key in Moscow. The result is a convincing case that takes away the foundations suggesting that Communism and its ideals are rooted in a beneficent mind. Having put his case Wurmbrand asks his reader to choose who he or she will serve and starkly shows that the choice is between Christ and Marx, an emissary of Satan. The book closes with an appendix examining the question as to whether Communism can be Christian. This is pertinent bearing in mind the direction that the theology known as ‘liberation theology’ has taken these last forty years or so, particularly in Latin America. Without Christ there is no real answer, and Communism, in its heart is a false religion with its priests and sacraments is shown to be the case. This is a book to reaffirm that, “all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father-but of the world.”