Author- Leanne Payne

Publisher-Kingsway Publications



This book is practical and meant to usher people into a deeper prayer life.  The author indicates that ‘listening prayer’ has been a theme which has run through her ministry and her writings, she regards it as essential in bringing the wounded out of psychological and spiritual darkness.  Restoration of the soul demands ceasing to listen to wrong voices and obeying the law of those voices, instead they must identify, refute and renounce those  and their souls be lifted straight up to God in order to receive His healing word which He is always speaking.  The author is clearly a lover of the Lord Jesus and a spiritual  person of great experience and she points our hearts towards a more prayerfully sensitive hearing and responding to God’s grace.  Having read the book I am grateful for its spirit and have been enriched concerning the intimacy of walking with, and hearing God’s voice in converse with Him.  It is best to read this book slowly and it does, in many sections, lead the heart to stillness and quiet worship before God.  I think that for many, it could be a great help in liberating them in their private worship and devotions before Him. She has sections on hearing the Lord’s voice, on the necessary place of praise and thanksgiving and intercession, forgiveness and listening for God’s response.  Chapters on hindrances to listening prayer are particularly helpful along with the manner in which we mature in the Lord.  She spends time setting a foundation of friendship with God and how God speaks to His children and warns us to be watchful and test what is heard.  From where do voices come?  Things to avoid such as living subject to our own feelings is a danger she writes of, the need to objectify our feelings.  She indicates that subjectivism is a condition into which the church has fallen and is leading to a dullness in hearing the voice of the Lord.  Some of these sections are exceptionally cogent and helpful.  It is interesting to note authors from whose writings she regularly quotes, Oswald Chambers is obviously one of her favorites along with C.S. Lewis.  In this particular book she also uses some of the material of  Dallas Willard and F.B.Meyer.  There is much wisdom and help in this book for those seeking a more intimate walk with God and grace to help others in need.

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