Roderick T.Leupp is associate professor of Christian Theology at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary in the Philippines. The aim of this book is both expositional and contemplative. It is an examination of God in the Three Persons of His being as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It requires pondering, slowly considering each paragraph and thought. It is a thoroughly Trinitarian study and is like a tapestry of many colors showing forth the Trinity as the Name of God and the outworking of that in the life of grace, faith and the community of God’s people. It has been called ‘a contemplative guide to relearning the Name of God”. A good description as it is not simply a doctrinal book but draws us to consider devotionally God’s self expression in the Three Persons. It is a feast of a book for us to taste and receive with delight. It certainly requires more than one reading. Perhaps this book will be just a little reminiscent of the writings of Julian of Norwich to some who know her “Revelations of Divine Love’. There are multitudes of quotes from numerous writers but predominantly the author reveals his holiness roots in using many from the writings of the Wesley brothers. All these add to the richness of the book and at points it is profoundly moving to consider the wonders of God in the way the author expresses himself. For some not having familiarity with many theological terms the book will require considerable concentration but there will be rich reward in persevering in the reading of it and it could well serve as a primer for further reading for some. The Trinitarian Name of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit leads us all to encounter the very substance and nature of God. His self-communicating love eternally generated in the Father and sacrificially outpoured for salvation in the Son and brought into us by the Holy Spirit. In the Father’s depths and the Son’s incarnation and the Spirit’s indwelling God is with us. These three actions of God are not isolated one from the other but the interpenetration of the Persons which is fundamental to Their life is also present in Their actions. Contemplation and meditation upon the truth of God’s Name will bring us further in to the ‘length and breadth and depth and height and to know the love of God which passes understanding’.
Category: The Godhead
Tags: Holy Spirit, reading, Three Persons