Formerly available in three paperback volumes, these lectures on Biblical doctrines are now available in this one volume hardback edition. The chapters are really a compendium of Christian Doctrine systematically expounded. That may sound heavy to some but each chapter uses clear language which is what the author intended. That ‘the truth would be in words understood by the people and that it not remain only in the head”. There should be an urgency in our hearts concerning the ground on which we stand doctrinally. In the pluralistic age in which we live this volume forms a readable compendium of the central truths of God and the scriptures He has given us and will help to anchor us in the timeless doctrines of God. It begins with several introductory chapters from which Lloyd Jones launches in to the Doctrines of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So the lectures unfold, concerning good angels and the devil and fallen angels, the creation of man, his fall and God’s covenant of redemption wrought in Christ. The book progresses right through to the doctrine of the last things, of punishment and of the heavenly glory. Nothing is omitted in this simple to read book. It would not be something to attempt to read in a few days, but rather, to move through a chapter at a time, with Bible open. It would be ideal as the basis for conversational small group studies for the author does examine other viewpoints than his own as he considers each particular doctrine and then proceeds in his analytical way to show the validity or weaknesses of particular interpretations. This is all done in a very helpfully and will enlarge any readers heart as the panorama of God’s Person and purposes from beginning to end are considered. Originally these were lectures given in post second world war London on Friday evenings, the venue was Westminster Chapel. These meetings were taped and attendance grew to many hundreds of hearers such was the help being given to many. This volume is highly recommended.
Category: Doctrinal
Tags: concerning, read