The title of this book will give the hint that it concerns doctrine. It is a shortened version of a much longer Banner of Truth publication and it succinctly examines the Reformation doctrine of justification by faith in the light of the so-called New Perspectives on Paul that are represented by the writings of E.P. Sanders, James Dunn and N.T.Wright. It is a helpful overview of the subject. Only about ninety pages long it encapsulates the salient points of this debate helpfully and every minister familiar with these newer emphases would do well to read the book. Serious minded Christians would benefit too. The advocates of the ‘New Perspective’ on Paul infer that the older view, which says we are justified before God by grace alone, on account of the work of Christ alone and through faith alone, is outdated. Actually, as you read through this little book you will see that it would be premature to take this view. There are limitations in the New Perspective; it tends to deal with scriptures from a rather narrow viewpoint interpreting all Paul’s writings in their preferred way whereas the older Reformation view takes into account several broad themes from the epistles and the Scriptures as a whole. However, the New Perspective does bring to light certain aspects of Paul’s understanding of the gospel not considered before and in the case of N.T. Wright in particular emphasizes the way the Scriptures adhere together as they deal with God’s work throughout all history. Truly the story is a meta-narrative of God’s grace. Cornelis Venema writes well, with exactitude, many of the statements and sentences both the old and the new perspectives are very clear. He argues and reasons but does not castigate, he sets things in order and arrives at his own conclusions at the end. There is value in reading a little book like this at least a couple of times as it helps clarify that gospel which should be preached in order that the problem of human guilt, the deepest of man’s needs is dealt with and shows that no amount of human achievement or moral act can make amends before God for human sin and disobedience. Only the sacrificial death of Christ can satisfy the demands of God’s justice and bring the believer to security of right standing before Him. Here is a short book requiring careful study and thoughtful evaluation.