The subtitle of this book is ‘HOPE FOR THE HURTING”. Written by a Bishop in the Anglican Church of South Africa this book is full of pastoral help directed to those having difficulties in their marriages, or contemplating divorce and those who are in fact already divorced. It is not an exhaustive book examining Bible text in order to establish scriptural principles on marriage and divorce, instead it takes divorce as a given and allowable position and remarriage in certain circumstances as permissible and seeks to impart pastoral advice on most aspects surrounding divorce and remarriage. The book is addressed to the ordinary person and is set out in a way making it readable for anyone. The break-up of marriage is traumatic for all concerned, grandparents, friends, children and the couple themselves. As we know, the churches are not exempt from marriage breakups and the ensuring pains and sorrows. The whole of society is impacted by the family destructions and complications that ensue and the church suffers from the anger and frustrations that are so often components present in the trauma. It is obvious that the author writes from a position of deep concern and long standing pastoral involvement with those passing through these deep waters. Just let me mention some things from his introduction as he writes that the purpose of the book is to dispel certain myths surrounding the subject. The myth that people will not survive divorce, also that the only thing the Bible says about divorce is don’t do it and that there are no options. Further, he sees that re-marriage is possible in certain circumstances and divorce is not the only way out. Subjects such as reconciliation, forgiveness, love, sex, domestic violence are covered, not deeply, but helpfully. Issues of sin are not skirted around at all but are fundamental to the subject as he handles it. All in all although this book was first published almost twenty years ago it speaks to the current situation that pertains in our world and brings counsels of hope for the hurting and for those who seek to assist them through. It is still available new through Amazon and other outlets.
Category: Marriage and Family Life