Here is a very helpful and succinct pamphlet of twenty-three pages written on this most important subject. It is available from Mckenzie Road Christian Fellowship in British Columbia, Canada telephone 1 604 852 4564. The author was himself committed in his earlier Christian life and ministry, to a dispensational view of Biblical history and of ‘end time things’. He had inherited this concept from his own Plymouth Brethren background and found it to be ill-founded the more his ‘second-thoughts’ increased. Fred covers a lot of ground in very few pages. Many in the churches have themselves almost mindlessly embraced the inter-related notions of the great tribulation, the appearance of the antichrist, the rapture of the church and other doctrines. These have been popularized by authors such as Hal Lindsey and latterly by the “Left Behind” series of books. Fred Tomlinson conducts us through a history of the way these doctrines emerged and took hold becoming the popularly held view and shows in a helpful way that they do not marry up to the general tenor of the Biblical revelation; he shows what a flimsy foundation all has been built upon. As the title says, his ‘second thoughts’ have led him to a view more wholesomely scriptural understanding in which the Jew has not been replaced by the church (the New Israel) but that all faithful believers through both Old Testament times and New Testament history constitute the true Israel of God. They are those called and chosen and faithful to Him, a remnant amongst the nation of Israel in Old Testament days and those who belong to Christ in the New. Although this author does not write using the thought that the Person in Christ is eclipsed by other fanciful interpretations implicit in the dispensational view of eschatology inevitably he comes through to show that every unfolding event is inextricably linked with Christ and all shall be wound up when the Son of Man shall appear with great glory and every eye shall see Him! This pamphlet is a good introduction to these important matters.