Here is a book on predestination that candidly examines the subject, asking serious questions and then seeking to answer them from what is known as a Calvinistic perspective. The author is a gifted teacher and writer and does not evade the knotty issues implicit in as exploration of the subject. The book is not a long one, the chapters delve into their subject matter helpfully without controversy seeking to allow the scriptures to speak for themselves. Predestination does not present a picture of a God who is capricious and spiteful, but show Him to be a loving God who provides redemption for radically corrupt human beings. There is mystery in God’s ways but not contradiction. Point by point he examines the scriptures on predestination, the sovereignty of God and related matters and brings cogent arguments to bear against those preferring another viewpoint. Fundamental is the thought that we choose God because He opened our eyes to see His beauty and along with that the fact that we love Him because He first loved us. There are chapters on the relationship of predestination and free will, foreknowledge in contrast to foreknowledge and the vexed question of whether there are those predestined unto damnation, ‘Is Predestination Double’? is the title to that chapter. It is contended that if we are biblical Christians, then the issue is not whether we embrace predestination, but rather, what kind of predestination. It is not a matter of our philosophical speculations for God Himself in His word declares the fact of predestination, it follows therefore that we must adopt some doctrine on the matter and not evade the issues such a subject raises as to gracious character of God and the responsibility which belongs to man. Probably, in the minds of many, there are profound areas of prejudice leading to an avoidance of reading a book like this. This resistance is often built upon a distorted caricature presented by opponents. We need to face the issues raised in this book humbly and prayerfully examining the scriptures in the struggle to arrive at an understanding of that which the Bible teaches us on the subject. We also need to bear in mind that it is a fact that the greatest godly thinkers of the church throughout its history have been solidly on the side presented in this book. This fact alone should give us pause for thought and take us to seeking God’s face on the matter. Our age magnifies human choice, human rights and the so called freedom of man, a consideration of God’s sovereignty can only do good in redressing the madness of this humanistic emphasis.