The title of this book is linked with a scene in the movie “Hardcore”, when a Calvinistic church elder seeks to explain TULIP(an acronym for the five basic tenets of Calvinistic doctrine) to a prostitute. Whatever have issues of God’s sovereignty and grace to do with a person who is living such a life? This book can be read by anyone of college age and older who has an interest in explaining or critiquing the doctrine of so-called Calvinism. The idea that this doctrine is irrelevant, cold and harsh, that it does not do justice to human beings is a common mistake which this book sets out to redress. It is readable and inspiring, and though of only 139 pages it does much to bring to our attention the Canons of Dort( those five statements which sum up the Calvinistic view). It also shows us the strengths and weaknesses of Calvinism and the author does this as a friend to the doctrine. There is a humility implicit in the way these five points are addressed and it is necessary that young Christians and those who are older also attend to these matters thoughtfully. This book will assist those who are considering where they stand on this issue. Many have inadvertently chosen a theological stance without realizing it. The caricature of this doctrine is peddled freely in many of our churches and this book will help the humble reader to a more informed decision as to where they stand in reference to the issues of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility, of grace and works.