The Truth War
ISBN 0-7852-6263-6
Some will know of John MacArthur and his untiring efforts to write, usually in a readable style, on matters that call evangelical Christians back to the reality of what it means to be a true believer in Christ Jesus as Lord. This particular book has the subtitle “fighting for certainty in an age of deception” and deals almost exclusively with the enemies within the churches of today. He is not concerned with the antipathy of enemies outside, but the false prophets that are teaching, manipulating and thereby attempting to defile and destroy the church from within. He bases all he writes here on the epistle of Jude. There the author insists that there is urgent need to contend for the faith that was “once for all delivered to the saints.” MacArthur specifically mentions a number of false ministries and their errors wielding a considerable influence in the lackadaisical and weak evangelicalism of the last thirty years or so. Although published in 2007 the things expressed here have certainly not diminished in their perception and relevance. Every pastor and leader should read what MacArthur has to say. He does not delve deeply, the book is accessible to all as it challenges perhaps most of the lies taught in and affecting the church today. He reasons in a Biblical and gracious way, the style is not contentious but opens up the subject logically, specifically and with great relevance. Obviously, the so-called emergent church comes under scrutiny; its subtly woolly postmodern thinking examined in its main points and, in terms of the scripture, is shown to be having the marks we should associate with the false prophets Jude refers to. MacArthur delves back into some occasions in church history when error was peddled by oft-times wily men and also shows how truth prevailed, but not without cost. The argumentation of the bulk of this book is compelling and the salient points of what constitutes truth and the way these are under severe attack is discussed, not in a pugnacious way, but patiently, candidly and, for those prepared to be honest to God and His truth, convincingly. Error is being smuggled into the churches of today. It has always been the same. It needs to be challenged, no matter what the cost. This book helps to encourage a godly discernment and steady and faithful ministry of the truth in the face of the lie.