ISBN 1-857925300
This book was written by a godly man who became, among other things, leader of the China Inland Mission in the United States and is scholarly and thoughtfully exhaustive in his approach to the whole matter of healing and miracles. His textbook is the Bible and I have not come across a book that covers the ground so carefully and succinctly. He knew some of the men prominent one hundred years ago in the missionary movement and in healing ministry, A.B Simpson, A.J. Gordon and also Hudson Taylor among them. He graciously critiques some of the extreme positions taken by healing evangelists and does to in ways hard to refute. There is need for books like this. Some might feel that there is contained here no clear answer as to why God heals some and not others, but, is there an answer available to us in these days when we know in part? As this author moves through his own experiences of healing to begin with, and then the absence of healing in other instances he leads the reader on to consider God’s miraculous and healing ways in the Old Testament and the New.
He is quite detailed and some of the things he presents will surprise some readers. Inevitably he leads us into the matter of God’s sovereignty, first as revealed in His choice of one nation among the nations and the paucity of miracles and healings even within that nation, then the selectivity of the ministry of the Lord Jesus as He moved among men in the days of His ministry and so through to the book of Acts and the way God accomplished some signs and wonders at the hands of the apostles. There is a wholesome and balanced approach here, which neither detracts from God’s will to heal and do wonders nor leads us into extremes that inevitably lead to disappointment that deepens to disillusionment and despair. He brings us to God! In an earlier edition of this book Martyn Lloyd Jones wrote a commendatory preface. This is a book to be recommended to all who desire to get some valuable help on this most important matter.