Author-Dana Roberts

Publisher- Bridge-Logos

ISBN- 0-88270-010-3


The author has spent twenty five years studying the writings of Watchman Nee. He is an American scholar who has spent a number of years living in China himself.  The book contains a short history of Watchman Nee and the work of the Little Flock churches in China and around the world.  These churches were established by Watchman and influenced greatly by his ministry and that of his chief co worker Witness Lee. There are three main topics critiqued, Nee’s concept of the Word and its Ministry, his teachings on the spiritual man and finally the church and its work.  The writer seeks to analyse the teachings of Watchman Nee and points out their strengths and weaknesses.  His purpose in doing so is probably in view of the popularity and influence of Nee’s writings upon many people of the evangelical and charismatic churches of today.  Roberts’ criticisms are helpful, thoughtful and eirenic in tone.  There is nothing strident or unpleasant in the way he handles the three main areas he looks at.  The detailed studies of this author helpfully expose shortcomings revealed in Nee’s writing and are considered in his short summary chapter along with some conclusions. Most of these observations appear to be warranted and provoke serious thought. Extensive footnotes and a bibliography  will give the reader an overview of materials available for further study.  This may not be a book for all to read, but pastors and leaders would benefit from it and it would serve to help each to examine the emphases of their own ministry.

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