ISBN 0-9663172-1-1
I came across this book on bookstore shelves containing secondhand books, it was
written and published in 1998. Its author is well in his seventies now and a well-
proven man of God through years of faithful ministry both in New York and further a
field. He first came to prominence through his service to drug addicts and alcoholics,
a ministry that is now worldwide and is known as Teen Challenge. Later he took up
residence again in New York and the Times Square Church began. This is an
important fact to bear in mind because this particular book deals with God’s
judgments to come upon the USA and in particular New York is mentioned. So, here
is a man with a prophetic gift, a faithful minister of God, and this is one of his older
books in which he speaks of America being on the brink of a coming financial
holocaust, how do his words stand up thirteen years further on? A reading of this
book will confirm the rightness of his assessments and the peril that awaits not only
the USA but also the western world with its immorality and love of materialism even
more rampant. If there is no change, no repentance disaster will strike suddenly
though after many warnings. Wilkerson’s call to a church, often too weak to stand
against the landslide of iniquity because of a lack of repentance and clarity of the real
issues is as true now as when this book was written. The events of September 2001
and the financial collapse of 2007 and 2008 only serve to confirm the truth of
Wilkerson’s words. The way this author firmly grounds everything he says as to the
late 20th and 21st century world upon the unchangeable ways of the mercy and
judgment of God as revealed in the Old and New Testament brings a seriousness and
credibility to his writings. In so many of the so-called prophetic websites nowadays
this is lacking and the prognostications have a hollow ring to them. The crippling of
the American economy, the shedding of innocent blood in the abortion of babies, the
rise of militant homosexual power all figure plainly here and are with us today, only
on an increased scale. The only chapter slightly askew, but only in historical detail is
the chapter on London and its destruction by plague and fire in the seventeenth
century. However, the quotations from Richard Baxter and John Owen concerning
that event are spot on. Wilkerson is as relevant today as he was when he wrote these
things. We do well to return to the scriptures he quotes, the prophets of the Old
Testament as they spoke from God into the degraded states that had come to the
nations of Israel and Judah, we do well to look seriously at current events, the
tsunamis and earthquakes shaking the pride of nations. Here is no false prophet
saying all will be well, but a man stirred by the Spirit of the Lord to tell the truth to
the decadent west.