ISBN 0-9662718-0-7
First published in 1998 this is a stirring testimony that covers the lives of two men. One is Marcus Odomes and the other the author, Harold Morris. The time span is from the 1950’s through the to the end of the 20th century. The website www.twicepardoned.com presents the message of the book and its author’s ministry. Unshackled was made into a movie. Although not explicitly Christian and virtually no mention of God or of the Lord Jesus, God’s presence is evident in the narrative as to the incredible ways the author was brought from spiritual death to life in Christ and his subsequent ministry among young people in their thousands. It is a story of great hope, penetrates to the wickedness into which men and women fall when they are young and the importance of compassionate care and love in their rescue. Georgia State Penitentiary was the home for Harold after being wrongly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit.
There are graphic stories of the life lived and the degradation experienced in that place and the blessedness of love breaking down barriers of racism and how God used sport as one of the tools. The reader can discern God’s good hand at work throughout leading to a full pardon and a ministry of loving care for many, mainly among younger people throughout the USA. The last main section of this book was published separately in a short paperback entitled, “The Law of the Harvest.” It contains chapters giving the bare bones of the multitude of talks that were given to younger people in schools seeking to illustrate where sin sown eventually brings its terrible harvest. Chapters on drugs, alcohol, racism and sex are included.
At points there are necessarily graphic accounts of the behaviour of those that descend down the terrible pathways that eventually may lead to murder, imprisonment and degradation into what is little better than the animal. It would be best to call this book a distinct and powerful educational tool for young people. “Twice Pardoned, Harold Morris Talks to Parents and Teens” is the book most used by this author now. It is still available new as well as second hand. These books are useful resources for work among parents and teens.