ISBN 1-57856-258 9
The title will immediately reveal the few verses at the end of Luke chapter ten that Joanna Weaver attempts to look into and bring out the traits and personalities of these two famous ladies. There have been many messages given about these them and we know that along with their brother Lazarus they were loved by Jesus loved Who found an affinity and a home to rest in their house in Bethany. Perhaps this author may have written such a book a little too early in her Christian experience but, having said that, she writes well though I suspect that she is really coming too much from her own experience which may be more of Martha and not enough of Mary. Probably those who are like that will find more profit from these chapters whilst those who are more of Mary will be a little irritated at times. A note says that this book is “an invitation for every woman who’s felt she isn’t godly enough, isn’t loving enough, isn’t doing enough.” The demands of a busy world are a powerful force that impedes the quiet devotional life that Mary is thought to have exemplified. I just wonder about these stereotypes a wee bit though it is plain that the encouragements and practical advice afforded in these pages will help those wanting to develop in their devotional life and who desire to serve with joy rather than duty. This author probes the persons of Mary and Martha, she seeks to lay bear their hearts and the needs they represent. This book is a help but not the whole answer, it touches significant areas, but perhaps omits aspects of the way God draws people into His rest by His Holy Spirit. A 12 week bible study course is included here, it could be used for individual and group use. The book definitely provokes to serious reflection and that is to be welcomed, perhaps the title will immediately draw attention, all readers will find some benefit I am sure. Those who do not like so much based upon personal anecdote will no be so happy, but the author builds much on her own pathway and some readers will identify with much she says and be pointed toward some answers at least.