Author-Leanne Payne
Publisher- Baker Book House Co.
ISBN- 0-8010-5334-X
Leanne Payne has written seven books and perhaps this one is best studied along with her book Crisis in Masculinity ISBN 0-8010-5320-X. The definition of these books as per the Library of Congress Cataloging system is ‘Christianity, Men- Psychology- Masculinity and Homosexuality- Religious Aspects- Spiritual Healing- Prayer and Pastoral Psychology.’ Obviously these books contain much. She is a writer who brings needs of the soul under the power of the Cross of Christ. There is hope for the homosexual in these books and much for all of us. These are days when there is much confusion concerning the true sources of human personhood and her writings point to definition of what constitutes the true nature of man and woman in the action of the Lord who re creates us in His own image. Although she wrote more than twenty years ago there is greater need now for the hope and clear testimony to the power of God to restore His people which she conveys. She explores what God’s creational intent was in the making of the male and the female and unmasks some of the causes of the fall of human beings from that image. She points the way to redemption being in Christ Jesus and the necessity for Him being brought right into the heart of the sufferer to bring about deliverance and renewal. These books are Christ centered whilst at the same time containing various insights gathered from her own reading and ministry over many years. There is much wisdom here and a firm basis for wholesome counsel to those suffering serious gender confusion. Her reasoning shows that when men are healed the pathway for the wholeness of women will follow. Leanne Payne’s most widely read book is one called “Listening Prayer’ in which she encourages the practice of the presence of God and the hearing of His voice. Truly healing is to be found through an inner relationship with Jesus Christ in which He affirms to each their true identity which includes their masculinity and femininity. These are books which those involved in counseling ministry should endeavor to read. They do contain aspects with which all might not be in total agreement but the overall insight and help to be gained from them should be gratefully received.